Monday, January 27, 2020

Crime Scene Investigation Case Study

Crime Scene Investigation Case Study Case Study: Redcott Cottage The presence of the two glasses of gin and tonic on the drinks table in the lounge indicates the possibility of two people being inside the house at the moment of the attack. Performing the cyanoacrylate fuming method, the fingerprints on the glasses will become visible and so they could be collected and further compared to the police records in order to identify the people located inside the house around the time of the attack. Moreover, there might be traces of saliva left on the margins of the glasses which can be identified using the RSID test and then further analyzed for matching the DNA using the STR/Y-STR method. The CSI Laboratory Analysis showed that the blood recovered from around the body and the blood recovered from the drinks table belong to the same blood group . A deeper analysis of the blood samples needs to be carried out in order to identify and compare the DNA contained by each one of them. I expect the result of this test to show that the DNA from the samples do not match, therefore indicating that there were indeed two people inside the house at the moment of the attack, which would be consistent with the direction of the pellets shot and would also explain the trail of blood left from the drinks table to the back door and outside. The Cobalt Thiocyanate test applied on the white powder identified at the crime scene returned a positive result for cocaine. However, it is known that other compounds such as Diphenhydramine and Lidocaine, known as false positives for cocaine, also give blue organic layers under this test. Therefore, the substance should be analyzed in more depth using the GC-MS method. Moreover, the stomach content of the victim as well as his blood should be tested in order to determine if the victim was under the influence of any substances before he was killed. The evidence show that there were two attackers. The first attacker approached the house from the east side and started shooting through the lounge window, with a shotgun using Winchester Super Double X Magnum pellets, targeting the person who was seated at the table. The fact that more than one shotgun cartridge wadding were found directly underneath the window and inside the piano shows that the attacker fired at least twice, one of the shots being obstructed by the piano, thus explaining the glass shards and pellets found imbedded in its body work. Some of the pellets reached the drinks table and also the person standing next to it, who was injured, started bleeding, and most probably fell to the ground. The attacker then went to the front door and broke into the house by forcing the entry. Using the cyanoacrylate fuming method any potential fingerprints on the door handle and on the area surrounding it will be revealed. The second attacker approached the house from the north side, positioning himself in front of the kitchen window and targeting the person who was located in doorway between the kitchen and lounge. He fired at least twice, with a shotgun using Remington Premier HEVISHOT pellets. One of the shots hit the man in his upper left arm, causing his death, and the others hit the wall south of the door and the doorframe. The hypostasis being mostly on the front aspect of the body shows that the victim was lying face down. Moreover, having his head pointing towards east and legs towards west indicates that the man was facing the lounge when he was shot dead. Hence, considering the trajectory of the pellets, the places where they were found and the fact that the victim was shot only on his left side, we can conclude that the attacker was situated on the left hand side of the subject, briefly behind him, position that supports the hypothesis of the intruder shooting from outside the house through the kitchen window. By using optical methods and specific chemical tests (AAS/NAA) on the victims body, particularly around the wounds, we would get information about the presence, the quantity and the pattern of the gun shot residue, thus being able to evaluate the firing distance. In this case I expect the tests to show that the gun was fired at an intermediate range, approximately a few meters. This result would also be consistent with the external aspect of the victims wounds such as the diameter of the shot pattern, the area of superficial abrasion, the dimensions of the exit and re-entry wounds and the lack of stippling or fouling marks surrounding the entry wounds. It is important to understand the composition of the trail of footprints which starts from the doorway between the kitchen and lounge and leads to the front door in order to identify the access route of the first attacker. Using Luminol, we can establish if the footprints were made in blood. If this test returns a negative result, we can further use mass spectroscopy to identify the composition of the footprints and compare them with soil samples from outside the house. If the test correlates the two samples, and knowing that the footprints start only from the kitchen door, the conclusion that the attacker entered the house through the kitchen window may be drawn. Moreover, the work surface and sink situated below the kitchen window should be carefully inspected for footprints or any other signs, such as fingerprints, fibres, hair, blood that might indicate the window to be the attackers access way to the house and lead in any way to his identification. After the attack, both intruders left the house through the front door, hypothesis furtherly supported by the trail of footprints seen exiting through the front door. Later, the person injured raised from the ground and left the house through the back door, thus leaving the trail of blood found at the crime scene on his path.     

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Dark Ages of Nursing Essay

During the late middle ages (1000-1500) because of crowding and poor sanitation in the monasteries nurses went into the community. During this era hospitals were built and the number of medical schools increase. Between 1500 and 1860 (A.D.) politics, the Renaissance all affected nursing. As nursing was not valued as an intellectual endeavour it lost much of its economic support and social status at the start of the Renaissance. The deterioration of Catholicism which had supported the monasteries, hospitals, and nursing was led to the climax of its decay by the Protestant Reformation. A widespread movement of suppression of monasteries occurred similar to that in England which was brought about by Henry (VIII) who had used the advantage of Protestantism to free himself from Papal authority. The King used his revolt of the church based on the Roman Catholic Church refusal to sanction his divorce. He destroyed over 600 monasteries during his Protestants revolt. The immediate result of t he monastic dissolution was the hospitals and inns were suddenly snatched away from a public dependent upon them for many centuries. Which caused the poor to be without any principle organized system of relief. An additional effect of the Reformation was the complete withdrawal of medicine from the monastery to the University. Thus medicine found a refuge that was denied to nursing. Medical advancement had been assured while the techniques of nursing remained unchanged in the guardianship of brothers, and nuns who continued practising nursing. The Protestants viewed the woman’s place as being in the home raising children. Industrial class women took in work or went out to work. As nursing was not considered acceptable even to the industrial classes nurses were usually immoral, drunken, illiterate, and/or prostitutes. Nurses were considered to be the lowest level of human society. A decline in the quality of public service for the sick was noticeable towards the end of the mid dle ages. It took about 200 years for the public to recognize the need to pay for quality nursing care to restart vocational desirability. The public first had to separate nursing from domestic service in which it had become deeply entangled. Mismanagement, inadequacy, suffering and deliberate exploitation made things worse. Civil appointees who were men undertook leadership and withheld authority from women – who then lost control over nursing. Matrons were put in charge of secular riff raff who were taken on as nurses. The word â€Å"Sister† was retained to please the public for amongst the rich and poor it had come to be associated with the sympathy and encouragement of the monastic nuns. The latter half of the period between 1500 to 1860 A.D. saw nursing conditions at their worst and has been called the dark period of nursing. New hospitals had been built but quickly became places of horror as unsanitary conditions caused them to be a source of epidemics and disease. Furthermore a taxation upon windows caused windows to be bricked up in places of the poor and hospitals thus removing natural lighting and fresh air thus creating further a situation which bred disease and epidemics. Seldom were opposite sexes and different disease separated. Often hospital beds were shared. Nurses when off duty slept within hearing range of their patients and were still on call. Crowding of wards often made them impossible to clean. Because of the high demands placed upon nursing staff nursing procedures which were limited and simple became even more limited and simple. Cleansing of patients was no longer attempted. Only the usual nursing treatments such as bleeding and purging were ordered. Because of the hard work, long hours, poor pay, and poor food respectable women were not expected to do nursing. The majority of the work consisted of housework, scrubbing and laundry which had hours which varied between 12 to sometimes 48 hours. Character nor training was a consideration in nursing. In 1545 the council of Trent decreed that every community of women should live in strict enclosure. It took over 200 years of resistance for women to overcome this decree. The nursing sisters of France made little or no resistance such that their professional standards deteriorated. During the Renaissance (1500-1850 A.D.) the interests in the arts and sciences increased such that there were many developments in the technologies for and care of the sick. Transition from health care by religious orders where nursing was practised were replaced by hospitals where conditions were dependent upon the economic support of the people requiring care. Even though there were significant advancements in science because nursing was still seen as something that should only be done by those who could not find another way in which to make money the nursing profession did not advance. The dark ages of nursing lasted for three centuries until the mid 2800’s when Florence Nightingale brought about a change. Even though the advancement of medicine did not affect nursing during the Renaissance – in the late 1500’s several groups began nursing during the Renaissance – in the late 1500’s several groups began nursing and tending the sick, poor, and dying. Amongst these groups were St. Francis de Sales, the Order of the Visitation of Mary, St. Vincent DePaul, the Sisters of Charity, Dames de Chari te’, Louise le Gras, Brothers Hospitallers of St. John, Albuquerque, Order of St. Augustine, St. Camillas De Lellis, Jeanne Biscot, and the Nursing Sisters of St. Joseph de La Fleche. Many of these people came from rich and influential families. Thus setting the trend for their peers to become involved in charitable nursing and institutions of nursing. When such institutions of charitable nursing were shown to do well the ruling classes and churches would begin supporting these economically. The views of the well to do upon the nursing care of the sick, mentally ill, elderly, dying and indigent had a strong influence upon the presence and quality or lack of nursing care available during the Medieval Times through the Renaissance.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Great Floods have been a topic of many myths throughout time. These stories are mostly about gods or higher powers trying to wipe out or cleanse the population. Some of these myths Include; Endue Genesis, Thralls Epic, Galoshes, and many more. The Ruler Genesis Is the earliest flood myth. It t†¦ Prematurely Words Pages Noah and the Great Flood The story of Noah and the Great Flood is sometimes questioned of whether or not it of God, Noah was able to accomplish this task and this event really did occur.Others, who take some of the stories from the Bible†¦ Premiums Words Pages Evidence for the Great Flood A flood generally causes a rather large amount of land to end up underwater. The Great Flood was no different, it caused almost all the land in the world to go underwater. Did the Flood?as recorded in Genesis chapters 6-8?really happen? Was there a humongous amount of water that completely reader†¦ Premiums Words Pages The Great Flood The Great flood is a historical eve nt that may have happened before O BC, this was an vent that flooded the whole world which have possibly wiped out human and plant existence.There are several different evidence that suggest the happening of the Great flood which include the several geological SSH†¦ Premium Words Pages The Impact of the Great Flood to the Thai Entrepreneur The impact of the great flood to the that entrepreneur Nowadays, Thailand has just been seriously the great flood and then lots of people face a problem with this situation. Thus, this situation have many problem become to economic crisis. Many hat entrepreneur is the most one has†¦Premium Words Pages Triassic: Account of the Great Flood Triassic: Account of the Great Flood The relationship between gods and humanity in Trashier: The Account of The Great Flood seems to carry great irresponsibility. Most of the gods display the weak characteristics of humans. They whine about work, constantly complain, selfishly create humans and t†¦ Premiums 210 Words Pages The Great Flood (The Taunting) The Great Flood Taunting Setting Where does the story take place? Describe the setting of the story.Characters Describe Opinion-Total physically and as to how the narrator describes him. What is his title? How does he serve his people? How does he feel in the opening of the story?†¦ Premium Words Pages The Great Flood of Metro Manila Saturday, September 26, it is way beyond words what Metro Manila has gone through in the hands of the recent storm, Sestina. With the unusual amount of rain that Sestina brought, it flooded where it never flooded before. Water seeped into houses and in a matter of minutes, reached 30 feet.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Technology and Bullying - 1057 Words

Technology and Bullying There is no doubt that technology has changed our society. Now things are faster, easier, and more efficient than ever before. With all these changes, bullying has been impacted in a positive and negative way. Although technology has given victims of bullying an outlet to complete education without going to school, technology has made it easier for bullying to happen on anonymous apps and social media sites. Online education in the twenty-first century is very prevalent. Not only can you receive a college degree online, but now there is the opportunity for children kindergarten through twelfth grade, to stay at home and complete courses online. One parent thought this would be the best decision for her†¦show more content†¦A person â€Å"can just post something nasty†¦ instead of risking an unpleasant confrontation face to face† (Banks 14-15). Different psychological studies show that when there is a conflict and people try to fix the problem, face to face, it is often resolved. Usually when the person being demeaning or harsh sees the other person becoming emotional, they back down; with communicating online, a person’s reactions are not seen, so there is no mental filter. They do not see or hear that what they are saying can be hurtful so they continue with it (Kang 58-61). To make matters worse, apps and social media sites are being created that are comple tely anonymous. These apps create an atmosphere in which people can say anything they want to another person and not receive any punishment. Because of technology, more people are becoming victims of cyberbullying by not only people they know, but people they do not know. About â€Å"nine of ten teen users said they have witnessed ‘mean or cruel’ actions aimed at peers online† and very few people were reprimanded for their behavior (Kang 49-50). There are no set restrictions as to what can be posted. Although some sites and apps claim to have age restrictions, or places where one could ‘report’ or ‘flag’ posts, these are hardly ever enforced or used (Kang 46-47, 67-68). Technology has taken away the human filter and the online ones; without these, bullies will just continue to bully. Bullying is something that neverShow MoreRelatedCyber-bullying Powered by Technology869 Words   |  4 PagesCyber-bullying has become a huge issue recently not only in high school but in the middle schools as well. For awhile there it seemed that just about every time you turned on the news there was another story of bullying or a suicide related to bullying incident being reported. â€Å"Love is louder† has become a popular phrase among celebrities and other influential figures lately. They’re trying to send out a message to anyone listening saying that bullying is wrong and it shouldn’t be tolerated. WithRead MoreCyber Bullying And The Rise Of Technology Essay1055 Words   |  5 Pagesthat bullying has expanded and increased in the rise of technology. Before technology bullying was a face-to-face interaction, usually at school or coming and going from school. Bullying can cause emotional, physical, or social harm. Now that Internet is available in everyoneà ¢â‚¬â„¢s home and on his or her phones people can be bullied from any location not just at school. Bullies are also becoming anonymous by using fake names to attack their victims, making the bullies unrivaled. Cyber bullying is atRead MoreTechnology And You Online Cyber Bullying1452 Words   |  6 PagesTechnology and You Web tormenting online is a major issue in the USA in need of attention. Individuals of all ages are harassed on social media sites without their actions. Throughout the years, the issue has developed in elementary, middle, and high schools in America. 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Every time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. â€Å"Love is louder† has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologies is wideningRead MoreBullying Is A Common Problem Among Children And Adolescents996 Words   |  4 PagesBullying is a common problem among children and adolescents (Wang, Nansel, Lannotti, 2011). Bullying takes different forms include physical (hitting), verbal (name-calling), and rational (social isolation) which are typically known as traditional bullying or cyber b ullying which occurs on the internet (Wang, Nansel, Lannotti, 2011). 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E very time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. â€Å"Love is louder† has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologies is widening